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Subtitle: Encyclical Letter on Fraternity and Social Friendship
Fratelli Tutti (Brothers and Sisters All), the Encyclical Letter of Pope Francis addresses all his sisters and brothers, all men and women who populate the earth: everyone, inclusively and in no way exclusively. The central theme of the papal letter is "blessed is our common belonging which indeed makes us brothers and sisters.
We live in a time marked by war, poverty, migration, climate change, economic crises, pandemic. The Encyclical letter calls to recognize a brother or sister in everyone we meet and for Christians, recognizing the face of Jesus in the other who suffers, these responses reaffirm the irreducible dignity of every human person created in the image of God. Pope calls us to establish necessary affection with people even if not close blood relatives. The relationship must be expressed through kind deeds, forms of assistance, works of justice and generous action in times of need, a disinterested affection towards other human beings, regardless of any difference or affiliation.2020 ed. 128 pp. Rs 110


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