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[1:42 PM, 2/15/2021] Jiby Sir New: THE MIRACLES: COMIC BOOK
Includes all the Miracles of Jesus and Full Bible Text and Explanations
Genre: Children’s Bible/Biblical Comic book for Children and Parents or Guides
This book is about the most extraordinary deeds of Jesus' life: The Miracles. You will find out that Jesus' miracles go beyond the fact itself. Miracles are another method Jesus used to tell us about God our Father. With each miracle, Jesus showed us, on a small scale, close and in a moment, what God our Father does constantly for us.
It is meant to help you to read, remember and understand Jesus' miracles. That’s why we propose you three readings of each miracle: the Bible text, the miracle narrated through comic strips and the comment. The comments are suitable for boys and girls from 9 years up.You can read the entire book right through or a bit daily. You can read all the miracles first in the comic strips and the Bible texts and leave the comments for a second and deeper reading.
For each miracle you will find its Biblical text in the translation of the Good News Bible. With the miracles that can be found in more than one Gospel, you will find the parallel passages. In spite of the fact the comic strip texts are exactly the ones of the Bible, we recommend that you also read the Biblical text. The parents and teachers that use that book to explain the miracles can devote a session for miracle. I advise you to prepare the session by reading the previous comments as a guide for the explanation; each paragraph contains an idea and its development.2019 ed. 144 pp. Rs 250 ISBN: 978-93-86516-97-8 Rights: Asia
[1:42 PM, 2/15/2021] Jiby Sir New: THE PARABLES: COMIC BOOK
Includes all the Bible Parables of Jesus and Full Bible Text and Explanations
Genre: Children’s Bible/Biblical Comic book for Children and Parents or Guides
 Jesus’ parables are probably the most popular short stories in history. Each parable is like a treasure that hides a message for us. That’s why we have prepared this book with all the parables.
First is the Bible text along with Bible quote (parallel reference will help you find the same in the other Gospels)
Next comes the parables in comic strips
At the end of each parable, you will find a commentary about the parable for a more reflective reading. The commentaries include:
* The explanation of the context in which Jesus explained the parable.
* The connection with Jesus’ other parables or teachings.
* The explanation of some cultural references.
* The interpretation of the parable.
* The application of the message in our life.
If you read the parable in the comic strips, don’t forget to also read the biblical text so you don’t miss any detail. The book is not only meant for children but also for youth, adults and for elderly readers. Parents and guides who use it for children can devote a day-session with a parable. Prepare the session by reading the commentary which will be very helpful for the session. It can help explain the parable its content, its idea and its development better.
This book will help go deep into knowledge of the parables; and applying the same in our lives will bear much fruit. 2019 ed. 112 pp. Rs 200


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